Making an Adoption Plan
You may be surprised to learn that different types of adoption options exist. YOU can choose the plan–Open, Semi-open, or Closed (also called Confidential) that best suits your desire to be involved in the placement of your child and your ongoing role in his/her life.
Making an adoption decision takes some time to think through all your options. You don’t have to do it immediately upon finding out that you’re pregnant, though some women do. You can meet with an adoption agency representative during your pregnancy or after giving birth to learn about the process and get your questions answered without any obligation to complete an adoption plan.

Open Adoption
Working with an adoption agency or adoption attorney while you are still pregnant, you can meet and get to know the family who YOU choose to adopt your child. You will create a plan together, and it’s possible to get to know the parents you choose for your child and to stay in touch through letters, phone calls, and even face-to-face visits during the child’s life.
Closed Adoption
In a closed adoption, you won’t meet or have contact with the adoptive parents. But you may still choose the adoptive family, and the hospital plan. If you originally decide this plan is for you but later in the adoption process change your mind and desire to pursue open or semi-open adoption, the adoptive family may be willing to agree with your request.
This option can be preferable if you’re concerned about your privacy.
Semi-open Adoption
You can choose adoptive parents from a profile written by the prospective adoptive parents, most often provided to you by an adoption agency or adoption attorney. These profiles contain photos and written details about their lives. Any letters or contact between you and your child would take place through your relationship with the adoption agency or adoption attorney you choose to work with.
Still Have Questions?
If you want to learn more about placing a child for adoption, the Image Clear Ultrasound staff on one of our mobiles will be able to discuss this with you. Discussing it does not place you under any obligation to choose adoption.
Image Clear Ultrasound is not an adoption agency, and you will not be pressured to make an adoption plan.
State laws regulate whether a birth mother may receive any financial assistance for her pregnancy-related expenses. An adoption agency or adoption attorney in your state can answer these questions for you.
The Image Clear Ultrasound staff can help you locate an adoption professional if you would like to speak with one. Remember, there is no cost or obligation to you to talk to an adoption professional or to choose adoption.
If you want to find out if you are pregnant, check out where we are by clicking HERE.
Sources consulted on adoption placement:
Making an adoption decision takes some time to think through all your options
Image Clear Ultrasound is not an adoption agency, and you will not be pressured to make an adoption plan.
Safe Haven Option
Safe Haven laws have been enacted in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.
These laws generally state that parents who do not harm their infant will not be prosecuted for abandonment if they hand their newborn over to a responsible adult at a Safe Haven location. These laws give a desperate parent a responsible alternative. These laws identify acceptable locations where parent(s) can leave a baby and up to what age (usually between 72 hours and 30 days old), with no questions asked if the baby is unharmed. It’s important to understand that by surrendering a child to a Safe Haven location, parents are also surrendering their parental rights. Safe Haven laws are limited to the surrender of very young children and the age limit differs from state to state.
Parent(s) must give a baby to a staff member at the Safe Haven and explain that they are relinquishing the infant under the Safe Haven Law. A parent may be asked to fill out paperwork requesting medical information and other important facts about the newborn and both parents. Completing this information is optional and will be used to share important medical issues with the infant’s adopted family. After relinquishing the infant, the staff will ensure the infant is not harmed. After the infant is medically cleared, parents are free to leave with no questions asked.
If you have given birth and feel you need to take advantage of a Safe Haven program in your state, staff on an Image Clear Ultrasound unit can help you determine a safe place to take your baby.
The above content was adapted from (retrieved on 7/2/20)
For additional information visit:
For additional information visit: (retrieved on 7/20/20). This website provides detailed information on Safe Haven laws in each state.

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